This year was my first Tour de Fleece and it was so much fun! My personal challenge was to complete as many skeins as I could during the race. A seemingly simple challenge, but I tend to get *this close* to finishing a project then moving on to something else. My workroom is filled with nearly finished projects as proof of this! But more on that at the end.
I joined the Aaron Makes Stuff team and, though we were allowed to use other spindles, I used only my AMS spindles and wheel plied the singles on my Kromski Minstrel. It was a small team, but everyone did such a beautiful job! Check out the #tdfaaronmakesstuff hashtag on IG to see.

You can also take a look at my Instagram (@aprairiesunrise) for progress pictures, but here's how I ended the tour yesterday.

O'er the Moors & Among the Heathers from The Wooly Witch- 5.2oz, 406yds. 3-ply DK weight.
Total yards spun (singles & plying): 1630
This will be a top for Ruby, I'm looking at either Bloom or Belle Isle. This yarn is probably my favorite from the tour and now I really want to spin a sweater's quantity for myself!

Book of the Dead from The Wooly Witch- 2.6oz, 218yds. 3-ply DK/worsted.
Total yards spun during TdF (One of the singles was spun prior to the tour): 654

Rainbow Sherbet- 3.0oz, 199yds. 3-ply DK weight.
Orange/Green- 8yds of 2-ply
Orange- 0.4oz estimated yardage of 50yds
Total yards spun: 854
Orange is Pumpkin Spice Latte from The Wooly Witch, pink is Giovanna also from The Wooly Witch, & green is Creme de Menthe from Textiles a Mano that a friend picked up for me at Estes Park Wool Market this year.
I was unsure how the three colors would look once plied (I worried that it would look muddy), but the green is such a strong color that I think the pink and orange balance it nicely. As you can see with the orange & green 2-ply, the green really dominates the yarn.
This yarn will likely become a beanie for Ruby. She loves to wear the ribbed hat I made last year for Jake, so she needs one of her own!

Peacock Feathers from Siobhans Crafts (gradient) & FleegleFiber (semi solid teal)- 3.7oz, 284yds. Chain plied sport weight. Self-striping gradient
Total yards spun: 1136

Port Fiber batt- 0.5oz of singles spun.
Approx. 50yds

And then there was the drop spindle & captured ring russian...
I am such a slow drop spinner, I feel like I put hours into this yarn and only spun 0.2oz of it! Yes, it is super duper thin cobweb lace weight, but still...! The fiber is Malabrigo that I carded to blend the colors a bit and unfelt the fiber. I'm unsure of the colorway name, but it sure matches beautifully with the spindle!
Approx. 25yds spun (probably much more, but I'd rather err on the low side).
As for the gorgeous padauk russian spindle, I am coming to terms with the fact that we just don't get along. I am a huge fan of Aaron's work and to have a spindle that I can't spin to my liking breaks my heart! But, I guess, not every spindle can work for every person. I am determined to finish the blue fiber that's on there now before I destash it though!

Total TdF yards: ~4350!!
I'm extra excited about that total because in that time we also had guests, went to a family reunion, took several daytrips, & went down to Cheyenne Frontier Days! It's been quite a month and I've enjoyed every minute of it!!
I'm going to try to keep the momentum of Tour de Fleece going by finishing up some of those previously mentioned WiPs. I'm going to start small, but hopefully I can get this and much more done by the end of August!
August crafting goals:
Old WiPs
* Finish combing & spin NZ Romney
* Finish Jake's socks
* Bind & label Rainbow quilt
* Scour, card, & spin a sample of brown fleece from Kim
* Enter yarn or batt into Wyo state fair
* #spin15in15 August challenge - spin a precious (quivit?)
Other August goals (home, family, etc):
* Clean out old Jeep for donation
* Finish reading The Wind Through the Keyhole
* Shred old papers & organize office
* Take Ruby to State Fair
* Go fishing!
***I'm sorry there are no links in this post. I normally like to link up shops and whatnot, but it's been so long since I blogged that I've forgotten how!