This week is all about the animals in your life & the one's you come across from time to time.
These guys are my children. As goofy and obnoxious as they are sometimes I love 'em!
See what I mean?! He wanted the leftover bits from our pumpkin carving fun.
These are our other buddies. The pretty grey is our mare, Fancy, and the other guy is Bart, who Jake is borrowing from a neighbor for a few months.
They are always stuck together like glue even though they have hundreds of acres to play in.
Last spring's calves
Here's a bit of a different animal. I made this little guy for a Swap-Bot swap I was in recently (sorry if I already shared this). The coolest thing about this was that the receiver's daughter is a Thanksgiving baby, which I didn't know when I made this, so this time of year is extra special for their family.
Even the back looks like a turkey! Pretty cool, huh? :)
Now it's your turn. Grab a button from the sidebar, create a "For the Love of Animals" post, then come back and link up. It's pretty easy, but if you have any problems please let me know and I'll help you link your post.
Next week's theme will be For the Love of... FOOD!
Also, earlier this week I promised a winner from last week's birthday post. She already knows who she is, but I haven't had the chance to tell you yet. The winner is Brie from Little Creatable. Congratulations Brie! You'll be getting your goodie bag soon. :D
I'm bummed I missed last week! Family got here shortly after I did Friday & I barely had time to think all weekend! Hopefully I can get my stuff together this weekend. :)
I'll be posting Sunday! ; )
I'm not sure, but it says the list is closed! Was it just until yesterday? If so, I'm sorry I missed it. If not, let me know and I'll try to get a post up this week! Hope you're having a great week! I loved reading about all of your animals!
I absolutely love the photo of Fancy trying to come inside! I'm participating too but Linky Tools still won't work for me :(
Here's the link to my 'For The Love Of...' http://wandering-threads.blogspot.com/2011/11/animals.html Thanks :)
Sharon... I think I messedup my URL... I tried to shorten to match it up with my Etsy acct and now My blog is all messed up.. Quilt Monster in my Closet Blog can now connect at www.quiltmonstercloset.com or http://quiltmonstercloset.blogspot.com
I've caused myself lots of troubles.hhahaha
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