10 February 2012

For the Love of...Your Favorite Room

This week we're sharing our favorite rooms. Could be a room in your house or future house, or even dream house.

For The Love Of...

Right now my favorite space is my sewing room. I finally have it set up with nice flow from sewing machine to cutting board/iron. And I have Jake's grandparents old chair for knitting & handwork.

The entire left wall covered in white flannel as a design wall. And that is one of the most comfortable chairs ever! I covered the footstool, the cushion's next!

Inspiring artwork received in various swaps. I hope to have this entire wall covered in mermaid-inspired hoops & minis someday. :)

More water-y scraps.

Now that I have my sewing room set up how I like it (a little messy, but it happens) it's time to focus on the next room. Our bedroom!

Our bedroom is boring. Bed, dressers, no headboard, busy ranching art on the walls. I love the artwork, but some of the pictures are kind of stressful & too active for a bedroom. I want things more peaceful.

The other day my mom sent me my grandfather's matryoshka dolls from his multiple trips to Europe. The largest one is mine, my uncle sent her to me when he was stationed in Germany when I was little. The next 3 are from grandpa's trips. And then there's the blue and white one. That is from our trip, when he took me with him to Russia & Scandinavia. It was a great trip! You can't really tell from the picture, but the smallest doll is much smaller than a penny. There actually is supposed to be an even smaller doll (approx. the size of a piece of rice), but it must have fallen on his floor and gotten lost at some point.

Why am I telling you about these dolls? Because they are the inspiration for our new bedroom. Along with the Tula Pink Prince Charming they are standing on, the Lizzy House behind them, & this beautiful palette from Design Seed.

I'll share the progress as I have things to share, so likely it'll be very slowly.

Not it's your turn. Share your favorite room. Grab a button from the sidebar, write a post, & come back and link up.

Next week: For the Love of...Handwork. Share your favorite hand sewn/knit/crochet/braid/whatever. :D


Selina Marie said...

Is a coincidence that we both chose our sewing rooms?!?! Heehee! Love all your fabric!

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...


Oh I can't believe I missed this one!! :(((

I love these posts by the way.